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Printed Flower Art

Printed Flower Art

Auntie is here, so you know the in-depth art posts are back in full swing. This project has several steps and will take time to complete. Give yourself at least an hour to accomplish this project in full or work in small steps if attention for long periods is a challenge for the child. Children will get the chance to work with different mediums and utilize multiple skills while completing this art piece. They may be introduced to new techniques and new skills that require practice and planning.

What You Need:

  1. White paper - mixed media paper

  2. Cardboard - scrap material

  3. Adhesive foam craft sheets

  4. Markers

  5. Scissors

  6. Paint - acrylic or tempera

  7. Paint brushes

  8. Paint sponge

  9. Oil pastels and/or chalk pastels

  10. Container of water

How To:

  1. Draw flowers or petals on the adhesive foam with markers.

    • Show the child pictures of flowers and petals and discuss the different shapes

  2. Cut out the flowers and petals.

    • Assist the child as necessary if they are not ready to use scissors independently

    • If the child is capable of using scissors (or working on scissor skills), guide them by showing how to move the foam with their non-cutting hand - tell them to keep the elbow of their cutting hand close to their body and their thumbs up

  3. Remove the adhesive backs from the flowers/petals and stick them to a small piece of cardboard.

    • One flower per piece of cardboard- i.e., if you have 6 petals, arrange them to form the shape of a flower

    • Encourage the child not to stick foam on top of foam or else the print will not work

  4. Draw a line across the paper horizontally with a pastel.

    • Discuss the concept of the horizon

  5. Paint the sky.

    • Practice using light strokes with the tip of the paint brush - give direction to “use the brush like a ballerina on the tip of her toes” and avoid scrubbing the paper with the brush

    • Practice using long strokes across the width of the paper - this will give the sky it’s wide, vast appearance while also providing the child with an opportunity to work on the skill of working across their body’s midline

    • Use several different shades of blue - only provide colours that will be used for the sky portion of the project

  6. Paint the grass using the same technique as the sky.

    • Use several different shades of green - only provide colours that will be used for the grass portion of the project

  7. Sponge paint clouds into the sky.

    • Although we chose not to, you can use tools to add texture and design and then smooth out any rough spots

  8. Let your picture dry.

  9. Brush paint onto the foam flower stamp that the child made in steps 1-3 and press it onto the painting.

    • Practice stamping the flower on scrap paper emphasizing a down and up motion without wiggling the stamp

    • Do not clean the stamp off in between - repaint over the used stamp to give a more realistic colour palette

  10. Let the flowers dry.

  11. Add details using oil and/or chalk pastels.

    • Draw in the centre of the flowers, stems, and grass

    • The child can add details to the petals of their flowers

  12. Let dry and display their art proudly.

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